
Is running Easy?

Most people think running is easy. All you need is a set of legs and so they bring them on the track and start smashing them. They end-up poorly and will probably never think of running again.

What is running?

Running is not about running vague. It of course require a lot of practice, strategy and accurate planning alike many other sports but most importantly it needs willpower and discipline. First time runner can hardly reach 300 meter or maximum 500 before he goes huffing and puffing. That’s not something you can call running. Running takes lot more than you think. Marathon/Ultra Marathon take even more than some of the sports like Cricket, Tennis or Badminton. That’s the reason world-class endurance people are among athletes. 

I’m not trying to discourage you here. This will steel you up instead. So once you have decided to run for a reason you gave to yourself, you should train systematically. As I mentioned earlier you will feel out of breath after first 500 meter and to overcome this you need to put running in regular routine. Always listen to your body. Don’t go too far too fast. Remember running without Injury should be a prime motto. Trust me, you don’t want to feel jealous seeing others running and you eating scolds of your loved ones who are not happy with you running. In my case if I complain about my knees after a long run, I’m dead.

Plan 1: Let’s start with first plan which is very basic. Give yourself a comfortable walk of 30 minutes 4 times a week. Do it for two weeks. I know you are pumped-up for running and wanna hit the roads immediately. Hold your horses. Roads can hit you real bad and make you stay out for long time. Pay some respect for all the hard work that great athletes have fueled in to achieve their goals and they certainly dint achieve that overnight. So start with walking and let yourself feel it

The Plan:
Day 1: Mondays will be off in all plan due to Long Distance on Sunday. Save energy for later.
Day 2: 30 minutes relaxed walk. Listen to your body. Try to understand its need.
Day 3: Walk for 40 minutes. You can carry some mind lifting music if you are not walking in group.
Day 4: Rest. This is mandatory. Remember, Body needs rest to recover and to perform well in next run or walk. Research proved that athletes who had enough rest and sleep finished with noticeable difference than others who dint.  (Even if you are feeling healthy take rest but wake up at the same time to train your mind)
Day 5: Go little Big today and do 55 minutes.
Day 6: I am sure you will love the days that say “REST”. Remember our body needs rest and mind needs a habit. So Wake up by same time and do things such as yoga or stretching. I normally watch cartoon (Doraemon is my favorite). I prefer activities that utilize brain at minimal.  
Day 7: go for an hour today.

Plan 2: By the end of plan 1, your body and mind should get used to with walking up at same time. If you have maintained your schedule well, you won’t need an alarm clock to wake up. From third week, add some burst of running along with walk. This plan will prepare you for 5 K in four weeks. We will spend 4 days running including 1 Long Run, 2 days cross Exercise and 1 Day Total Rest.

The plan:
Day 1: OFF after a Sundays long training of last week.
Day 2: This is not going to be time based training. We will be more focused on Distance. We will do 2 Km easy run with a walk for a minute after first KM.
Day 3: You might feel soreness in your legs. Don’t run today but don’t skip a walk. A relaxed walk of 2 to 3 Km will help your muscles. If your legs are all good to go, add 3 KM at easy pace in your basket.
Day 4: Take Rest or Cross Exercise (Swimming, Cycling or yoga). Cross exercise will strengthen other part of bodies that running doesn’t utilize. This will also prevent you from injuries and let you go far.
Day 5: Run 3 Km with one minute break at every KM. Aim 3 Km at comfortable pace. If you are huffing and puffing, it’s an indicator that you need to slower the pace. Most people make mistake doing too much too early and end up running without energy. Nothing happens overnight and running definitely falls in that.
Day6: Rest. Cross exercise is good but give your body enough rest to be ready tomorrow.
Day 7: Today is the Day. This is your first long run of 5 KM with a break every 2 KM. This will stay in your memory for long time. Make sure you have your long runs on weekend or holidays. Gradually you will improve and try to avoid breaks in between.

Don’t run daily. I have seen couple to aged heroes running, cycling and walking at the age of 65. They are damn good just say they are champs but consider yourself not that lucky to be fit at that age. So skip two or three days off in a week and do Cross training instead. It uses different muscles that running doesn’t utilize.

Plan 3: All right let’s move further. Week 7 is ON and by this time you should be very much comfortable with 5 KM without taking a break every KM. If you are not please don’t move to next schedule. You can keep reasons ready if you want, i.e. Due to busy schedule I missed few runs and so facing difficulties with 5KM. Continue with same routine for few more weeks and then go to next level. Someone said “it doesn’t matter how slow you are as far as you are moving”. Go slow but go concrete. Those who can finish 5 KM comfortably without those tiny breaks can move to next level. This Plan will prepare you for 10 KM in 6 weeks. We will train 4 Days, cross exercise 2 days and Rest 1 Day. This is going to pain a bit but that’s what it’s all about.

The plan:
Day 1: Off
Day 2: 4 Km at easy speed. Cover the distance.
Day 3: 5 Km with 4 sprints of a minute.  This will give you a glimpse of running at speed. Start with easy comfortable 2.5 Km. Push yourself a bit during 1st sprint and slow down during last 20 Seconds and move to next sprint. Don’t run all out as you have to finish rest 2 Km at easy. This will help you go long distance.
Day 4: Rest or cross Exercise, especially on hips. When you run distance or at speed you are to damage your hips. This small session of hip stretching and OFF for rest of the day will make you recover and prepared for next run.
Day 5: 5 KM with 3 gentle pick-ups at the end to taste the whisk. This is going to be little extreme and it won’t hurt you if you have rested enough yesterday. Well, it’s a same schedule what you did day before but with extra speed. Start running with easy speed and finish 5 Km. After 5 Km put the paddle on accelerator to increase the speed gradually until you burn 90 % of all out. Slowdown in next 20 seconds and go for next one. Take a walk between two sprints.
Day 6: No stretching or any efforts. Just recover.
Day 7: Comfortable Run of 9 to 10 KM by keeping no other goals but Distance. 

Following above schedule, you will reach 25 Km a week, follow the same for next 5 to 6 weeks in order to make it a habit. Bring some variation such as taking different route, going with different groups or going for night run etc. May be after a week you will feel like pushing yourself for 15 Km but don’t be greedy. If you want to run good for long time, you must make a schedule and follow. Don’t go to fast and don’t demand for much at a time. Make sure to treat yourself with an entire week off after every quarter or four months. Do whatever you feel like but don’t run or any exercise. Give your body a change.

Plan 4: After first quarter, it’s time to go for Big. “Marathon”. Well don’t fly to high it’s only a half one at this time and you should limit yourself to this level for next two season at least. (Remember if you are not comfortable or your body is not ready to go further please listen to it and continue with 10 KM plan for next few weeks.) You need to understand that all plans have different goals and require different efforts accordingly. Here the goal is 21.1 KM with Zero Injury. Plan will include 3 days running including 1 long run, 1 Day Strength training, 1 days Cross training, 1 day yoga and stretching and 1 day rest. One full session for yoga and stretching is mandatory from this week. (Detail is given in PFD below).

Are you ready?

First four weeks of this plan is going to be very mild compare to upcoming weeks. 

The plan:
Day 1: Starts with Rest.
Day 2: 5 Km run at very easy Speed. Just cover the distance.
Day 3: Strength Core Exercise.
Day 4: 7 Km at very easy pace. Don’t bother at all about your pace. You have to save your energy for bigger run coming down the week.
Day 5: Cross Exercise i.e. cycling, swimming. No running at all.
Day 6: Yoga and stretching.
Day 7: This is your Long run of the week. Go for 15 Km at ease. Walk for a minute or two after every 5 KM. Focus on Distance, and don’t compare yourself with any of your running ally. Always listen to your body. Stop when it says NO. Understand what it requires and give it. Remember, you can do, doesn’t mean you always have to do.

From fifth week of HM (Half Marathon) training, we will add some variety to test your endurance and pace. In this scheduled we have 3 days training with 3 days rest and one long run. Most of the runs are going to be at LSD (Long slow Distance) to build your endurance. Few runs will be added with extra pace of HMP (half marathon pace).

The plan:
Day 1: Rest.
Day 2: 5 KM LSD Run on hills. Run with comfortable speed. You will initially hate the hills but gradually you will fall in love with them. In case you can’t find a hill nearby, Flyover can serve the purpose.
Day 3: Strength Core Exercise.
Day 4: 7 KM at LSD mix with HMP. Start with 1 KM LSD speed to worm up and settled in HMP for next 5 KM. This will help you taste the speed you are targeting to hit in the race. Finish last 1 Km at LSD.
Day 5: Cross Exercise i.e. cycling and swimming. No running at all. (Do Swimming and cycling alternate weeks)
Day 6: Yoga and stretching.
Day 7: Long run of 15 Km at mix LSD for first 10 Km and try to push yourself for HMP for last 5 KM. LSD is a back bone for running distance races. It helps to develop endurance and boost your confidence. HMP is a targeted pace you want run your race at. This will be little tougher than the previous schedule.

Continue this Mix LSD-HMP schedule for next 6 weeks. Once you mold yourself in this comfortably, we can move ahead for 21.1 KM. During all this, keeping yourself motivated is a challenge. Go in groups, take different tracks, Carry pump-up music and talk to yourself while running. These are only few ways to help yourself to be on track.

All the Best!!!!!   

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